I ordered a green/blue E-sky Belt CP (collective pitch) V2 with a 2.4G transmitter. A logical next step after the E-sky Honeybee FP (fixed pitch). (at least that's what I think, I can be wrong)
I also ordered an extra battery.
Included a nice little present : an E-sky cap.
The box unopened, the outside looks promising ...
First thing in the box are a manual and list with spare parts (renamed numbers from E-sky).
The manual counts an extensive 42 pages and is well illustrated.
The complete content of the box. RTF (Ready To Fly)
Posing while new (and undamaged). I think this machine is going to bring me a lot of fun but probably it's going to bring some frustration too. That's what's learing to fly is all about : climbing up the learning curve and gradually getting better.
Belt CP - Honeybee FP - Dauphin Coaxial
Here I put my babies to rest. It's evening now, the battery is charging and tomorrow it will be the Belt CP's maiden flight. Fingers crossed