Still a little early. In a few hours it will be very crowded here !

There's a great variety of food available at "The Sinksenfoor".

A safe place for the kids to play.

Back to the office. Some pedestrian waiting to cross the street.

A hook to help drowning people out of the water.

One of the more expensive appartment blocks in the city. Shaped like the bow of a ship.

This rope certainly will hold.

Nicely decorated !

I wouldn't go in here !

This little boat pushes the platform in front.

One of the few places where you can park your car for free near the inner city.
The cathedral at the horizon. Don't leave your car here during springtide !
When the gates are closed, there's no way out ! (or in)

Boats are not allowed here without permission.

Some containerdock. This is not really the heart of the port.

Windmills at the horizon.

A view at the left bank of the river.

A little after low water, the waterlevel starts to rise again. The difference low en high water is big, the Casio Paw-1500T shows.

These gates close during springtide. The waterlevel can rise that high. (when the moon is closest to the earth)

At springtide you are not allowed to come near the water.

Three friends walking towards the water.

They used to dock ships here. Now these hangars are used for all kind of events. They are in decline.

Walking towards "The Schelde". The big river in Antwerp. Antwerp has a huge port.

Little Buddha, some fancy club.

Back in the street. There are a lot of terrasses where you can eat and drink.

A lonely little boy, crying. He wanted to be left alone (in sorrow).

It' s a little early. Everything is still closed. No visitors... yet.

A quick walk during lunchtime. "De Sinksenfoor" (an annual fancy fair with a lot of things to do and see)
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